[HamGatePA] 44Net Survey

William Mongan bill at billmongan.com
Mon Mar 21 17:04:46 EDT 2022

Hello Charles,

I am planning to use it for classroom experiments in my networks and systems classes in computer science.  My home router can't forward IP protocol 4 into my NAT, so I am working on getting an IP address from my campus office, where I plan to set up my ampr installation (which is on a raspberry pi).


Bill W1CLK

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From: HamGatePA <hamgatepa-bounces at n2nov.net> on behalf of Charles J. Hargrove <n2nov at n2nov.net>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 5:01:40 PM
To: hamgatepa at n2nov.net <hamgatepa at n2nov.net>
Subject: [HamGatePA] 44Net Survey

How are you using or hoping to use 44Net? Let me know.

 From the latest ARDC newsletter:

44Net assessment under way

“Legitimately stoked!” That’s how Rosy Schechter, KJ7RYV, ARDC Executive
Director, described how she feels about the recently started 44Net
44Net is a precious resource, and there are many ideas for how to use and
organize it going forward. Before engineering a solution, we need data
about its current state, which is where the assessment comes into play.

ARDC has hired the consulting company, TwoP, to manage the assessment,
asking questions like:

- How much of the 44Net address space is currently being used and who is
using it?
- Why aren’t more amateur radio operators using 44Net? What are the pain
   or challenges to using these resources?
- What would make 44Net more usable in the future?

With this information, we can make better decisions on how we can improve
44Net and how to best invest in it, in terms of both staffing and technical
operations. Stated otherwise, this work will make us better stewards of

The majority of this work will happen March through May of 2022, with a
full report to be published shortly after. Keep an eye on the blog and
44Net mailing list for opportunities to participate. Please reach out to
contact at ardc.net with any questions.

Disclosure: TwoP is a consulting firm run by Tim Pozar, who is a member
of our TAC. His business partner, Matt, will be running the assessment.

Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC-ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.

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"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus

"Molann an obair an fear" - Irish Saying
(The work praises the man.)

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