[HamGateNJ] Offering access to Digital Traffic Network via a BPQ32 system

Jim Kutsch KY2D Jim.Kutsch at ky2d.com
Wed Feb 23 14:40:44 EST 2022

I have a 44 net allocation set up and my BPQ32 system, KY2D-4, is at
vhfbbs.ky2d.ampr.org. It's linked to my HF system that serves as the eastern
Area hub for the Digital Traffic Network. Radiograms can now be sent or
retrieved via telnet or the webmail interface on KY2D-4. Both first require
a password to be set up here. Also, BPQ32 can interface with FBBS systems
but I've never done so.


I'm very new to having the AMPRnet address and have much to learn but want
to see what else might be interesting/useful. If interested in accessing the
system or exploring setting up a link, please let me know.


73 Jim KY2D



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